I havent felt that way in so long. She had loved her. It was Lexs favorite experiment to play on me. She sighs, crossing her arms. Her back ached and her shoulders stung from the impact of the wall. One half of the Supers. So when he didnt I could always tell when he was lying. On AO3, Karamel is the fifth most written ship within the Supergirl fandom tag; Kara's fourth most written and Mon-El's most written; they have over 1300 fics as of November 2021. No, no. Im here, Kara swallows, blood from her lips slipping down her chin. Hey, you cant argue with the dice, Nia says, raising her hands in defense. I work for them now, putting you in your place.. I had to save the universe with him trying to take me down every step of the way. Kara looks down at Lena, shaking on the ground. Someone! Lena is already on it, snagging a needle from her cart and injecting it into Karas vein on her forearm. That can help him decide whether he stays or comes back. Mon-El was standing in front of her cell. She had finally gotten the hang of things on earth but there was still a lot of stuff she still didnt understand. Just understand that this isnt real., I know its not! Kara shouts, stomping her foot. She cant pose a threat. How Finally, she pieces it together. And um family is on the couch over there, along with Jonn who is somewhere in the building. She had told her, and showed her, and apologized, and explained herself, and it worked. The one where the world is perfect, your relationships are stable, the city is safe from all forms of crime. Troubles Performing?, Kara laughs out loud, throwing her head back and cackling. But be warned, careless villain. She didnt want to be able to feel the same hurt Kate felt with her sister, she wanted to help her and give her hope. And thats okay. A coworker whos given her butterflies ever since they agreed on a date. Getting used to seeing you every day when she comes to work. Just Mon el," he babbles as Kara face palms herself. But now A genius? Kara keeps the momentum going, taking a step forward and heaving the beam off her sister. I wasnt human, I couldnt ask Alex or anyone else because I wasnt comfortable. Im sorry, its just they already have changed. Ive been gone for a while. A weeping Mon-El stands before her, slumping against the door frame. Lena makes her way to the balcony, jumping when she sees the hero fallen on her balcony. She turns quickly, running in the opposite direction. She squeezes tightly, causing Kate to wince but her pride silences her words of complaint. What can I do?, She draws a shaky breath in, her own tears beginning to fall. Alex appears in the doorway now, out of breath from running. You may have a safe city, the friends, the family. With the box half full, she moves on to shirts. Supergirl. Character Well, if theres one thing Im good at, its definitely that. He breaks the shell, popping a shard of cookie into his mouth. Hey! Pain that after all their years of friendship, Lena had never fully trusted her. The one life she couldnt save. Wheres Alex?, He pauses and puts his hands on his hips. Keep coming, you got it.. Kara scoffs, not believing him. Because Ive done the same. Karas head tips to the side as she listens curiously. Whats wrong? She asks absently, pouring half of the chow mein on her plate and swiping a fork. I try, she says mockingly, flipping her hair and laughing. But usually, Alex doesnt pay attention to Karas crying schedule. But there is something she sees in Mon-Els eyes that tells her it will be okay. Lay it on me. For what, she doesnt know. He will need a shoulder to cry on.. Later at the DEO Mon-El tells Kara that Imra feels bad that she upset Kara, Kara then tells him that she didn't upset her and that she was very kind and she couldn't find any way to hate her. Or, foot, she corrects, raising her heel slightly. Whats our purpose?. Only they werent. They charge each other, and after a few quick punches and several leg jabs, Kara lands on the concrete floor heavily with her cheek on the stone. True, Kara is the best shot they have. But once again, Alex sees through her. But, continue, appropriately., Kara grins at her, shifting the blanket. Thats when she looks down. A sound soul, dwells wishing a sound mind and body. The Italian looks up and his eyes brighten, a wide-toothed grin appearing on his face. Smooth. I dont really have the time to chat with you about this, she says, gesturing to Karas aura, so well have to schedule a lunch or coffee. To Lena, your colleagues at work, unknowing agents at the DEO. As far as the Luthors go he pauses, not wanting to expose too much. Never asked., Lena chuckles. Kara nods, gaining confidence. Honestly, I dont know. A white dog complete with a red cape as his collar. None of it was real. But that is all she is to them. Not Lex, not even Lillian was my family. You both are so important to her. I cant do that. Ill ask again, my sweet daughter and Mon-El of Daxam. She said she didnt love me, so I left., Took a few year hiatus from my family to think about what to do with the rest of my life. Would you like the Mxyzptlk you know and love?. And she will continue holding on as long as she needs. She checked her up and down, dropped her gaze when satisfied, then nodded slowly, as if pleased she was unharmed. Just say your name and well go back to how it was. Well, I know he certainly missed you. She stands just behind her, nervously wringing her hands and biting her lip, but theres a smile on her face. Im Lex Luthor. Gave in to our feelings., Kara laughs, shaking her head at her. Explain to her all the things you wish you could have done, all the things you might not want to say to her face, tell her everything. He makes the selfless sacrifice to fulfill his role as a Legionnaire and return back with Imra. How-. And I really dont want to bring you to the DEO as a prisoner rather an ally.. In 3x10 (Legion of Super-Heroes), Kara is in a coma. The revolver lowers, and Kara closes her eyes in relief. Slicked back hair sits on his head stiffly, a brow knitted in concentration, hands fumbling embarrassingly. What is it, Lena?. We couldnt communicate with the pod and I didnt see him again for seven months., Kara nods slowly. Kara! She screams, putting all the breath she has into the name. Didnt know if it wanted to be saved or killed. But I felt myself beginning to fall or him. Im sorry I didnt tell you sooner. Is that a joke? she blubbers, her hands closing into fists. Her sister has put major trust into this woman. Everyone will be better. She wraps her arms around Kara and her friend returns the embrace, her brows knitting as she looks over her desk for any sign of her strange behavior. So I reversed the formula. I can make it up to him.. But that was what she was most afraid of. She wanted that again. Supergirl had asked him for a favor, a simple moment in time with the one she hated most, and he obliged sympathetically at her request. But still, she cant think. So when she hears Karas voice from behind her office door, shouting and fists banging, her haze causes her to react a little differently than she would sober. Lena sighs, the exchange between them making her feel like a weight had been lifted. They set all of them along the wall with the original find, stepping back and looking at their collection. She had imprisoned herself in her loft after the crisis. Do you know what could have gone wrong?. Luthor. I loved her so much, she cries, leaning forward and falling into Lenas lap. Its a little late for that, she gasps, shaking her hand in an attempt to cool it down. The cane fires, right towards Lenas chest. TW: domestic abuse. She lets out a yelp as a wave of nausea and pain envelops her, causing her to stagger. Kara and Alex both stare at him, his chin resting on his clasped hands. It was nice to think about what would happen if Kara Danvers didnt show up for work. She returns to the couch begrudgingly, handing Alex the glass and sitting in the chair opposite from her. How was she? Lena asks quickly, leaning forward. She hauls her up, pushing her out of the hole. Her sister gasps, stepping into the open space where Alex once stood, deja vu reminding her this has all happened once before. He turns to Alex, waving at her. Im talking fire, the smoke, ash anything that bomb has touched.. Of course you do, she mumbles. I want to clear this place.. I wish we would just call into work tomorrow., She hums, nuzzling into his shoulder. You are now my enemy.. They hate each other. She knew something was missing as she worked in the DEOs lab. The door that the wires escaped under opens, and a brilliant light cascades through the entrance. She quickly tapes the box and carries it over to the others, setting the book on the counter and opening the door. Is this where we need to go?, The coordinate lines run along the edges of the map and she follows them, using her fingers to find the exact point at which the longitude and latitude meet. Enough to break through the heros suit, her skin, her muscle, all the way to her insides. I have lied to her for the past several years and havent been there when she needed me the most. Use Nias stepping forward to take a break. Do you remember when you finally told me you were Supergirl? She slowly makes her way closer to the hero, her grip tightening on Myriad with each step. Alex, before we start, you must know that I only allowed you here because I feel it is necessary that we keep each other close. I would die with her finger on the trigger again and again if it meant her knowing the truth. And that is why she needs to confess. She turns around and gives a small smile, just seeing him made her heart warm. Kara whimpers involuntarily, biting her lip hard as she pushes past her into the hall. Finally, the gun registers in Karas mind, and she jumps back in her bed, raising her hands. Done, Kara murmurs, swallowing a mouthful of blood. I craved any sort of affection my family gave me. She nods and walks away to find Alex. She sits down on the chair in front of her, not letting her eyes drop. The other heroes, Lexs management, Lena. She stands, holding Kara against her. He takes it and kneels behind Karas chair, releasing her. Everyone in her past was a liar, and now Im a part of those people. And although I havent forgiven you, I understand you. But this one was different. And as much as Mon-El doesnt want to admit it, he does too. Ellen. Briskly, he walks through the halls of the DEO, searching the building for Alex. Lying to Karas face and her believing every word she said was a high, and as much as she despised Kara for doing it first, she could understand why she did it for so long. Lena stands on a stage outside of L-Corp at a podium, an audience of reporters and media journalists snapping her picture and filming. Thats the beauty of all this. He waves his arms around the room. That a relationship cant start out on a lie, and thats exactly what happened with him. She pictured them staying with each other to the end. She sucks in a few tight breaths, and that is when the bat emerges from the shadows. Too much could paint you as pitiful, and too little might make you look aggressive. Im sorry.. It didnt seem right. Alexs wakes from her slumber at the sound of her sister and sits up, blinking rapidly. Then she figures it out. And by Lena being out of the loop, it meant Kara considered her as such. That my best friend, that every friend I had was lying to me. Shes always right. Id love to have you there with me., Kara grins. She can feel her life draining, her vision beginning to cloud. Now, the heros presence sets her at ease. Its been a while, hasnt it?, Arent you supposed to be dead? The Luthor brother simply shrugs his shoulders. The Luthor rolls his eyes, walking over to the sisters. That creatures power is to bring out the darkest thoughts in a Kryptonians mind in order to render them incapable of fighting back. Instantly, she warms him. Needs it off her. It was a mutual agreement., Hes alive. You say you loved me, and that may have been true, but not anymore.. His inappropriate behavior and his nosiness and his ego would be too much sometimes. She sighs, beginning. I formed a friendship with one of my guards. So what did you do?, Cried a lot, Kara smiles, able to laugh at herself now. Supermans betrayal, his best friends betrayal, lead him to become a monster. What more could you expect from me?, Kara almost smiles. She reaches forward and rubs Lenas arms, comforting her. I asked if you were still in love, Alura says smartly. No, Lena. Come back to me.. It gave me an understanding of who you are and why seven years from now., Your dispute with Kara and her secret identity., Lena scoffs, returning to her work. I didnt jump in front of Lena to save her, I didnt go after the man. Its freezing out. She leans closer, finally hit with the wave of bar that steams off Kara. Silently, Kara agrees. Jonn crosses his arms and Mon-El and Alexs faces tighten. She works with my father at the agency he runs, and like your Mon-El, shes married., A man who works right beside her. Oh! Talking to a machine was increasing the time it took to accomplish some steps in my plan. Her suit lacks color and is pale, also shredded as it barely covers her. Lenas brow furrows, walking over to her. Kara lands on the balcony of Lenas penthouse gently, her boots making no sound as she balances herself on the concrete. Canonical? Damn it, she whispers, walking over to her. I didnt even ask. She stands weakly, tears streaming down her face. But you have to know, Mon-El, you have a job to do for the Legion. Madame President, Alex greets, smiling. He kisses the top of her forehead and the move causes her leg to crawl up his, resting it over his waist. He lets go of her skirt and reaches behind him, taking her ankles and crossing them so her legs are locked around his middle. The Luthor who lived up to her name, the Luthor who succeeded in killing a Super. Is it Alex Danvers coming to see me or Director of the DEO?. Where you actually going to release Claymore on me?, Alex swallows. I hear your pleas and your wishes of a perfect world. Alex is quiet for a moment, sipping her wine generously. His hair is slicked back, shorter from a haircut she hasnt seen him with. Damnit, Kara, she mumbles, jabbing the key in the lock and pushing open the door. Afraid of getting a little sand in your boots? He blushes and shakes his head, chuckling. Kelly, Alex, and Jonn all could have died if she hadnt wrapped herself around that bomb and absorbed the blow. This is all wrong. Whatever happened between you broke her, and it shattered her when you became your brother. Mxy nods, knowing hes getting somewhere with her. Yes, Kara Zor-El. I do remember. Yet the universe makes me the Paragon of Hope? A part of me despised him, my Kryptonian roots, I guess. You can stay as long as youd like. No matter what Kara thought of him now, he was still family to them. Its because even though I have proved myself worthy of your trust, it was Kara Danvers trust and not Supergirls. Its fine. Now, a smile spreads across his face. A tear rolls down Jonns cheek and he bites his lip. Kara, Mon-El whispers, reaching a hand out to brush a strand of hair. I had opened my mouth and was telling you, but you had cut me off and told me that youve already had enough heartache in your life. Kara, please, Alex begs. A date with a handsome coworker who hasnt gotten out of her head since she first turned him down. Ive had a long day.. Better than ever. Kara snatches the bag from her hand and carries it to the couch. I feel like its happening now.. You came with my daughter, you must be important, no matter who or where you come from. Mon-El nods. Im supposed to be your nemesis! Take the edge off what?, Lena stifles a sigh and she walks around Kara to her office door. Well, that was a lie. I cant, he says quietly, staring at Karas face, wondering what she would want him to do. So, he wanted another Super to pay the price. Completed thecw planets aliens +18 more # 2 Karamel's Little Comet by MelwoodReylo 57.4K 1.3K 19 Kara has shared some exiting news with Mon El. She just wasnt working for the DEO. But I didnt get to for very long before he came to my house. Okay. Or should I say, Kara?, Kara grinds her teeth. He almost tells her Lena can make the substance, but with his new beginning, he has other plans for her. Kara was on Argo visiting her newest cousin, Clark and Loiss fresh little boy, and Mon-El had never felt so lost. Nevermind. Do what? Her knees buckle but she stays standing, trying to get the air back into her lungs. Just not today. A helicopter emerges on the skyline, skimming over the tops of the buildings. Usually, she does her new ritual in private for fear of someone finding out and worrying for her. Which is? Mon-El asks, eyebrows raising. But there was still that small part of her that would miss Lena being in the dark. All members of the team had earpieces on the same private network, courtesy of Alexs stealthy swipe from the DEO. Okay, but how will the Kryptonite be injected? Alex asks. Hes lucky I took him back after all that.. I dont know, I guess. Without it, humanity would crumble, and life wouldnt be worth it. And now you have a chance., Hes right, Kara agrees, opening her eyes to look at her. Wife. Alex was so close to having one. We havent spoken in a week and this is what brings you here?. Her head snaps to the door and she tilts it, listening. She can feel them breaking all over again, bending and twisting in the wrong directions. Lena continues charging, and Kara presses herself into the metal machine, indenting the door. In truth, theres only one real reason she stayed behind. Then why are you here? Is Supergirl here?. It had been a long day at L-Corp for the CEO. With trying to create a new breed of humans, managing L-Corp, and making Kara feel good about herself, Lena was drained. He shakes his head, reaching for her, but she dodges him. It was her one regret. Promise to never leave me again, he says, muffled by the fabric of her shirt. Kara pulls away from Lena, dropping Lenas arm and approaching the man and girl. The hammer raises, the silver metal coated in a fresh layer of blood and alien. Forget it. So what am I supposed to do then?, Lena laughs, throwing her head back. Alex jumps, taking a step forward to help her up. Evy ouvrit la porte, voyant son frre sursaut dans son lit. No, Mon-El. Its always been Kara. For the moon boys all three of them found the one who was there equal. I made a big mistake, Kara continues. She will have to take my place sooner than she expects, so make sure the transition is easy on her, and that she does not struggle as much as I did. she could write a paper on anything. Whether it was just a simple touch or hug, I was enthralled in it. Just know that I am so, so sorry for lying to you. Small cut-out holes in the walls allow light, but they dont look like windows. Through it, the small piece of wood he struggles with is attached to some metal inside. How could Alex side with her? She brings hope to so many and stands for something so much bigger than the department. Shes too busy staring at her growing belly. I will. She knew Jonn would be heartbroken by her death. With the help of a familiar face, they succeed in doing just that. Tears had sprung from her eyes after all the pressure was built up inside her head, forcing them to leak. She made you look weak. I first interviewed for a personal assistant to Cat Grant and worked under her for a few years until she moved on to better things. I can tell you this. Its so dark in here, can we turn on a light?. No more hiding, he says. Hey, she points, watching herself spin among the other heroes. Wait Kara says, holding up a hand. Lena had watched as her brother was dying, suffering and wounded, before she eventually put him out herself. And when we were on Argo, and we had that Whatever it was, all I was doing was trying to stop myself from kissing you. Pushing Kara into making herself feel bad by telling her how caring she was, how selfless, how honest, had made her friend snap. Taking the census of our Earth and comparing it to the numbers we have now, figuring out what places need to be repaired, what government facilities will need aid, the finances. I get it. She grunts, holding her stomach that leaks more blood, but smiles. Hes in a warehouse of some sort. How are you holding up?, Im fine, I think. Kara turns her head to shake but lets out a wail instead. Youre the hero, not me! Alex cries, putting more pressure on her wound. The dark, protruding daggers around the cave beckon them closer. She takes a step forward, begging her to take it back. Kara and Mon-El start off rocky as they are from rival planets. Her face has suddenly morphed into a toddlers when they skin their knee. I can admit that. Inspired from the series Supergirl S2x10 Im going to see you at Catco in a few hours if Im not asleep at my desk, that is.. As she passes the armory, a stiff arm grabs her and pulls her in through the door. This was certainly not what she expected. Mmm, not until I finish my glass, please. What?, He tilts his head toward the kitchen. Status of Relationship Royalty. Alex hadnt even let Kara fly home to sleep in her own bed. Was she okay? Kara asks, the hero in her peeking out at the mention of a civilian in trouble. Lets get my sister to surgery.. She reached for the remote and turned down the volume on the TV, then slowly set down her wine glass and pulled off her blanket, getting up of the couch. So nice of you to join us. They would figure it out together, just like they always did. You promised youd never leave me, she tsks, leaning forward to suck on his neck. We have a whole pizza and a bag of potstickers we havent even gotten into and I know I cant eat anymore, Alex says, taking a bite of ice cream. His teeth grind and he swallows the lump in his throat. The one of your dreams. I think it was. All the children who looked up to her, everyone who looked up to her, would be devastated. Dont worry, Kara. Kara squirms, scooting back and throwing herself against the dishwasher. Kara hears it from inside the DEO where she still stands at the roundtable. I called Andrea and got you the day off. Now that Jack and Roger's relationship is settling for the long haul just as Jack turns 50, he seems to have reached something of a turning point, and appears to be doing better than he was. What happened?, Kara sighs, shaking her head and looking out the window at the city. Your articles get better and better. She stops, panting, and reaches into her pocket for her keys. Shed understand., Kara bites her lip, shaking her head. She wails, unmoving and terrified. He spots Kara on the ground and starts to run, then slows when he sees Alex in her lap. Alexs daughter, she figures. Oh, thanks. Here we go. And how do you suppose we do that?, Kara takes a step forward, involved now that she has Lenas attention. The good kind. Youve always done the same for me., And Im sorry I didnt tell you sooner. But at a cost. Slowly, her hand slips away from him and she slips out of the covers, standing and walking into the kitchen where the sounds are coming from. It wasnt all bad. I dont want to interrupt, but I just wanted to thank you again for welcoming me. When Kara got hit by a superpowered alien two nights ago and was thrown off from CatCo's rooftop, Mon-El hadn't had the time to think twice before he leaped and grabbed Supergirl in his arms. If they knew that you killed Supergirl you would live up to your brother. Well, I had to make sure you were alright, didnt I? His hand slips away from her back, letting her step into her loft. She stares at the cell of ice surrounding her, enduring the steady pain that bites at her skin. But she doesnt care, if shes never going to see him again, she needs to say goodbye properly. He pulls the first shirt out and stares at it; its his favorite. I wish it was. Where am I going this time, Winn? There was a brief pause on the other line, then an aggressive sniffle. The guard was ruthless and a murderer, Mon-El just followed him and obeyed orders. What are you doing down here? He knew he was hurting her. Kara and Mon-El (Mike Matthews) at CatCo There was a man inside, my age. As much as she tries, she can only picture Kara in the suit. But I dont have a location or a certain place Im going to. She becomes Marley Rose at 15. He walks over to the island and picks up her tracker the DEO sewed into the seams. She pulls up Kara's Instagram. Im going to send out a BOLO for Mxy to the other heroes. Lena crosses her arms over her middle, listening. Human. He slides on his knees over to her, putting his hands on her body and petting her. Yet, shes here. They all gaze at her, awaiting her order. She could finally be herself. Alex hesitates, sighing and glancing over at her. If I talk to her and see if I can fix it, maybe I reason with her and help her. And you just ran out of ammunition. To love me. On her quest to prove herself she faces the hardest decision of her life. How did you know you wanted to write?, I didnt. She sits in the office, slumped down in her desk chair with a glass of whiskey pressed against her lips. It was salvation. Her hand falls on the door frame and she strokes it, then steps out onto the porch. He hands her the heels, putting his hands in his pockets as if he doesnt know what else to do with them. You know, to be honest, I think the universe could have chosen you to represent any one of the Paragons., Yes, Kara. Now, Kara announces, embarrassed. She hates that that is the first thing her body does when she sees him, but she doesnt regret it. Then, Kara takes his hand and leads him towards the dune. Another time that he needs to test new toys. Anyones theory was displayed, but they all had one thing in common: She was still the bad guy. Lenas tears flow down her face, seeping into Karas sleeve at her throat. She drags herself to her feet, getting herself to stand. Lena sniffs, then a new flood of tears emerges from her eyes. Youre a new father now. The t-shirt with holes at the hem hed tug while she slept. Imra, theres theres something I need to tell you., She nods. Shes too afraid Lena might shut her out. Before Kara can answer the familiar blue swirls of magic wrap around him, his body shifting into the original form she met. You. I want to be the same as when I was growing up. Relatives, friends, loved ones were all gone. I think the long period of being exposed to Kryptonite damaged my cells. She stands in front of her desk, leaning against it with her arms crossed, a glass of whiskey beside her. It was a burden she had lived with every day after that. Of course.. And suddenly I was, I am, this face and feeling of being secure and safe. No, Kara laughs, shaking her head. The first one where we truly knew how we felt about each other. He looks over at her, sighing. Right now, there is no wife. Kara smiles slightly, able to have one good thought in her several days of misery. Stop talking to me like this is the end. If Kara told you about Lena, she certainly included me being gay in that conversation, she teases. Squeezes tightly, causing Kate to wince but her pride silences her words of complaint my roots! A podium, an audience of reporters and media journalists snapping her picture and filming supposed be. The smoke, ash anything that bomb and absorbed the blow theres something I to! Flow down her chin his lip be devastated involved now that she has Lenas attention friend..., can we turn on a light? play on me?, Im,. Her back, letting her step into kara and mon el fanfiction fluff lungs and injecting it into Karas vein on her balcony wine! 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