Is there a way to block the emissions? Depending upon how they take this threat of exposure it should be interesting to see if they will let us add your product to the building. If you feel immoral selling a house to someone that may make them sick I can understand that. And for their future babies. Hi Either way, giving you a safe distance figure is not really helping you without realising the implications of it. READ: 7 Ways Of Preventing Electric Shock. Yes, the ones on lawn in small boxes with warning labels on them, but also the ones hanging on power poles. We are a young family with 2 young kids, so dont want to risk it if not. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks for this amazing and informative Article. For example, over 50 to 200 means up to and including 200kV. If they were extensively utilized in the house, might it be enough to stave off the problem? We live in a different state, so we cant do another test. 230-kV Transmission Line in Delta and Montrose Counties, Colorado. Being underground doesnt stop magnetic fields, but they might not be strong enough to increase risk of disease measure and youll know . Do u think that would drop to below 0.8 when we go 8 feet down? We put an offer in on a house close to high voltage power lines, but I made it contingent on the EMF reading. Defining the work zone as the area 360 degrees around the equipment, up to the equipment's maximum working radius. To get the buy-in from all the stakeholders, Entergy agreed to move the existing adjacent 34.5-kV feeder onto the new steel structures, which resulted in the structures being around 20 ft taller . 230 kv transmission nominal voltage H-frame 60 to 90 feet typical height 100 to 160 feet typical right of way width 345 kv transmission nominal voltage Double circuit pole 115 to 150 feet typical height 140 to 160 feet typical right of way width The super highway: +/-400 kV and 500 kV document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Introduction to Geovital, our history, the issues, the academy, solutions and network. My husband and I were concerned about the distribution powerlines very close to our second floor apartment unit so we rented a gaussmeter and were very alarmed to find that in our master bedroom it measured 8.7mg. You should follow their advice carefully. Are these numbers safe?!! A device that automatically limits range of movement, set to prevent encroachment. The thing to remember is that your sleep is your key regenerative time the time when your body is supposed to fix itself. State, and local safety regulations must be strictly adhered to. Im finding it so hard to get information on safe distances and strengths around children. transmission line . 3 0 obj Nominal Voltage in kilovolts (kV) phase to phase Distance Phase to ground exposure (feet -inches) Phase to phase exposure (feet 169.1 kV - 242.0 kV 5 ft. 8 in. Odds of ALL decreased 0.61 for every 600 meters from the nearest power line. Thanks for sharing Micky. The POI will be located at New York Power Authority's (NYPA's) 230 kV Massena-Moses transmission line. After roughly 80m (260ft) away the EMF from the overhead line is negligible against the background levels. 4 ft. I hear this every night and it disturbs my sleep. We are looking at property to build on, its about 600 feet from overhead over lines. Often things dont work as they should which can cause unexpected fields as well. We have people that can help you with that. Hi Muriel, thanks for sharing. We just spent a lot of money to build a new house on this land 3 years ago, before any of this was in the works, and now we are concerned not only for our health but the resale value of our home. Government standard in most countries is 1000mG so they think you have nothing to worry about and the house is not too close. I have become more familiar with magnetic fields that come from underground cables running along streets, I measured 30 Milligauss at the front door of properties along a terraced houses street, near a large shopping centre and cinema, it is possible that the power drawn by the shopping centre is creating bigger magnetic field exposure to the residents living in the terraced houses. What do you recommend as the next step? READ: PAT Testing (Portable appliance testing) All You Need To Know. If there are power lines above the house (around 50 meter above the house) but one tower is located at least 200 meters away, do power lines themselves emit EMF or only the towers? My wife and I are looking at downsizing and having a home built in a new subdivision in the town we live in now. 2.0mG (vs 4.0) at 12m. Also found high mG on the ground behind the house. Would it be possible to answer through emails at this address. Privacy Policy. *According to 1926.1409, for power lines over 350 to 1,000 kV, the minimum distance is presumed to be 50 feet. Thanks for your help. What is considered legally safe exposure has been showing for years that there are clear links to health issues, fertility problems and cancer. Magnetic fields are best avoided, or if possible fixed if its an issue with current. The sub tenant doesnt know about the readings. 345 kV is 4.93 p.u. You can determine voltage by reading one of two ways: by using your eyes and looking at markings on poles and lines, or by using an electrical meter. Oftentimes, normal 230-kV structures measure 80 ft to 90 ft tall, but the structures on the stretch of line along the highway were up to 115 ft tall. Measure the EMF outside as well, especially where you like to sit or where children play. OHS Meaning What is Occupational Health And Safety (OHS)? Are Smart TVs Radiation-Emitting Even When Turned Off? Answer (1 of 4): The distances between towers on transmission lines is determined by the areas or countries where they are located. Im not sure how far away they are. It is magnetic fields that are linked to cancers. I cant measure the EMF from that living room since I havent moved in yet but from the roof top on top of the living room is 1.5/1.6! Ive been having all kinds of problems, but the worst is the insomnia that started coincidentally right about when I moved in. Its difficult to determine which it is without contacting your local utility. Please consider buy my online course for the TF2 (or for the ED88T) with it so you are confident on how to use it. Your wiring is your number ONE problem. Without knowing what meter you took on-site, Id immediately think that meter is faulty or simply not sensitive enough to pick up what we need to know. Hi Tandy, A dedicated spotter who is in continuous contact with the operator. Hi But I think this is the wrong attitude to have. But before moving here we measured the magnetic field and surprinsingly it was 0,01-0,02uT which is 0,1-02, milligause I suppose. There are times when a line that leans in one direction is carrying 69 kV, not 115 kV. If you say transmission lines are nearby, this would even more question the accuracy of your app and I wouldnt put much faith in that measurement until it was verified by another proper meter. Find out IF youre exposed to the levels we would say is concerning and if so you decide if its in your interest to stay there. This way you let sleeping dogs lie (the other potential buyers) and you can, when you are happy with the property, put an offer on the table that is not subject to this weird request that vendors will be unfamiliar with. The plastic covering on these poles has blue stripes every few inches. READ: GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) Electrical Safety Concept. The home inspector did a reading with a GQ EMF-180. This study . Line passes above or adjacent to any building or part of a building. Not meaning something has to go wrong Many people live in magnetic field and dont develop serious problems. Ive had nothing but health problems my whole life. With him working from home he spends most of his time there. The calculator provides the minimum approach distance, in feet or meters (depending on your selection), for phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase exposures. They also installed something (I assume big transformers) on the roof, which make a terribly loud humming sound that you can hear when standing outside the cinema building with busy traffic around. Electrical safety and reliability standards require that Knowing what I know now, Id take care of what I need to do with Geovital first. In most countries the maximum safe exposure to electromagnetic fields is 1000mG. I am trying to see if I can get any information from you basic on this article. TIA, Hi Eugenia, I appreciate any help you can give me. Determine if any part of the equipment, load line or load (including rigging and lifting accessories), if operated up to the equipment's maximum working radius in the work zone, could get closer than 20 feet to a power line. She has vary many health issues, cancer(s), too. In Australia, the minimum clearance distance from the centreline of 275kV transmission lines is 25 metres (~75ft). You can also listen to my podcast on this subject: You cant make this shit up.. Hi Bob, short answer is no, sorry. Can that happen? Footnote (1) Enter the maximum anticipated per-unit transient overvoltage, phase-to-ground, determined through an engineering analysis or assume a maximum anticipated per-unit transient overvoltage, phase-to-ground, in accordance with the following table: Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Summary and Explanation of the Final Rule [PDF 2MB], Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. If they are AC, then perhaps not much is going through it has been low on that time of the day and could be different at other times, or the meter you have is not accurate. You can find those meter to buy from various sources. If only one tower leans in a particular direction, then it is a single-phase line carrying either 69 kV or 138 kV. The evidence on proximity to these seems to be inconclusive one way or the other. If excessive EMR exposure from high voltage power lines cant be avoided or removed, as often it cant be, then moving yourself away from the home seems the only logical option. The safest means of evacuating from equipment that may be energized. Ive recommended that he test the EMF levels asap. Thats a tough Q. 15 meter sounds close but you need to measure your exposure. What about Mu-metal? You cant shield against magnetic fields and they have been linked to cancer in multiple studies. READ Also: OHS Meaning What is Occupational Health And Safety (OHS)? Hope this helps. It depends on how much current is passing by. respectively. STATE TRANSMISSION LINE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Maximum Line Load State Edge R.O.W. If it is a pipe, it runs the whole length of the road. Thanks for the comment. They could carry 69 kV on one phase and 138 kV on the other phase, but they are more likely to carry 138 kV in both phases. Good luck. Is it just picking up the electric from the lines? <>>> I have complained to my landlords and to the City, but I have no way to prove it since no one will believe me. Noise will travel much further. Sara. Determined by the utility/owner. I am looking into purchasing a home but one I am considering has power lines and a large thick pole directly behind the house outside of the fence since the road is behind the fence. Sounds like this house has a problem and you should tread carefully. The lines with high voltage transmission lines of 400 kV create less than 0.5 milligauss at a 200-meter range. Hello! Kind regards, [], Hi, Hi Simon, On the outside of it, if that makes sense. . The higher the voltage the higher the tower that supports the line and the greater the clearance from the ground. 150 feet for 220-230 kV line 350 feet for 500-550 kV line CDE shall interpret the regulations to provide that for existing underground transmission lines, the setback distance to usable unrestricted portions of the site shall be at least 25% of that stated in the Title 5 setbacks, specifically: Underground transmission line easement setbacks Perhaps look for other people that have fought similar battles, connect with council as a community and fight on grounds of property value loss due to them being an eye-sore and perceived to be unhealthy and push for a written guarantee that dispite the mounting research that these things cause cancer and fertility issues, your council members stand to be responsible for this action AND that their insurance covers claims for electronic pollution (EMR) (which it wont Im guessing). Anything over 1mG Id take very serious. The higher mG rating you are getting may be from leaking or excessive voltage in this collective space. Abroad, e.g. You have to measure. Same advise as in the article you have to measure, then you know. You can purchase a quality gauss meter to investigate just these fields (TF2 not a bad choice), or get a consultant to assess this and the other more common sources of radiation in a home. Ive answered your specific question in a video I just uploaded to my Facebook Page ( Please follow it). If tag lines are used, they must be non-conductive. Could you please write the name of the Gauss Meter that you recommend, as the page youve given cannot be opened (it says that it doesnt exist). We are extremely health councious and would not move to a home that would be detrimental to our kids healthy. Geopathic Stress can also be a serious contributor, so your consultant is ideally able to do this for you as well. Most power lines in North America are at 115 kV, but 230 kV is also common. The same advise applies: You have to measure and leave a little space for fluctuations in exposure and for the fact that more power could be used on those lines in the future. You have the right to enjoy your night time in peace. Buy a decent gauss meter, I suggest a TF2. The employer must train each operator and crew member assigned to work with the equipment on all of the following: The procedures to be followed in the event of electrical contact with a power line. People are becoming more aware that properties near high voltage power lines, as well as mobile phone towers (article), are getting harder to sell unless the vendor is prepared to reduce the price. The distances mentioned are more distances in which I strongly recommend you measure your exposure.Hopefully your exposure is at least lower than 1mG and ideally at or under 0.3mG in the bedrooms. Provided the meter is accurate, that would be one of the worst homes Ive come across. I wont be able to measure with the gauss meter until the lines are put in later this year. Regardless, 38mG seems enormous. Everyone has to come to that decision themselves. Could the (safe) readings inside be accurate? Hi We are land and home owners in farm country, and recently were informed that high voltage power lines have been approved and will be constructed in our back yard within the next couple of years. Hi Patrick. We live in the middle east and our daughters school has 2 x cell phone transmission towers behind the school yard (within 100 meters or less.) By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Some poles may have transformers which connect low-voltage distribution lines to high-voltage distribution lines at street level. Transmission voltages are much higher: 69 kV, 115 kV, 230 kV, etc. Professionals can identify a dangerous line through color codes on power poles and by using several safety techniques that ensure compliance with all local regulations and guidelines. If i am designing a primary school, where the electric grid station is opposite to it and the power lines adjacent to the site. An insane high (happy to sell in that case) price sounds like the first strategy. I need the details of safe distance to construct house near the power transmission lines basing KV rating of particular line. Thank you so much for any advice. A TF2 is a good amateur meter. It made it really difficult to decide if the property is safe or not. Table A-2 Nominal Voltage in kilovolts (kV) phase to phase Distance Phase to ground exposure This video was captured in 2002 at a BPA substation located at the Haskill tap of the Libby-Conkelley No.1 230 kV transmission line near Kalispell Montana. 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